Snarkclaw Snarkclaw: Art And Comics by Sheryl Schopfer. Illustrations include characters from Deer Me and Sharpclaw, plus fan art, mostly in a cartoony style.
Sharpclaw Art: Zeal - Naked Yay

Yes, this is just an unclothed version of this image.

Though my initial pencils of characters start "naked" like this (unclothed forms lacking details like genitals), I rarely create nude and clothed final versions of the same image. While working on this picture, I realized I had few or no current color references for Zeal, so opted to keep an unclothed version.

Also, something about it just struck me as really funny. It has a silly "Yay, I'm naked!" vibe.

Category: Sharpclaw Art

Labels: Sharpclaw, Art, Female, Lynx

Characters: Zeal Sharpclaw