Snarkclaw Snarkclaw: Art And Comics by Sheryl Schopfer. Illustrations include characters from Deer Me and Sharpclaw, plus fan art, mostly in a cartoony style.
Sharpclaw Art: Jack And Hazel

I have often speculated the importance of -- and approach towards -- kissing among therianthropic people. Canine mouths are not built like ours, with most of their mouths pulled far from the front and not possessing our flexible and moveable lips. That alone makes kissing seem like it would be a lot less for them than it is for humans.

On top of that, their long muzzles mean nose-to-nose or mouth-to-mouth contact happens without the bodies needing to be nearly as close as for similar contact between two humans. So, would a kiss be more casual than it is for humans? Even complete stranger dogs will get nose-to-nose before determining whether they tolerate each other.

In any case, it makes portraying embraces with kisses very awkward. Yet, I do love to draw couples expressing affection.

Category: Sharpclaw Art

Labels: Sharpclaw, Art, Female, Male, Dog, Fox, Kiss

Characters: Hazel Keenred, Jack Gladsome